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18 years of service to the SOGIESC diverse Filipino community
Eighteen years ago, October 24, 2005, TLF SHARE Collective's Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws were approved by the Philippines' Securities and Exchange Commission. Today celebrates the day when TLF SHARE has become a duly registered non-stock corporation, legitimately in operations for the promotion of the sexuality, health and rights of SOGIESC diverse persons and communities.
TLF SHARE was incorporated on September 15, 2005 as a membership organization of peer educators, trainers and advocates who worked at the intersections of HIV and AIDS prevention and care and human rights. The organization's main purposes were:
To develop the membership's capacity for sexuality, health and rights education;
To provide sexuality, health and rights education among the marginalized and vulnerable;
To advocate for the development of policies and programs on sexuality, health and rights, and provide support thereof; and
To engage in other activities to support the Association's objectives.
In its institution building efforts, TLF SHARE envisions for itself as a pioneering authority on sustainable community responses in a society where equality and freedom are valued, and individuals are healthy, safe and empowered regardless of their SOGIESC or HIV status.
(See the ABOUT section of this website for more information about the organization.)